Pam! I love you. Thank you for supporting PETA. I'm always complaining that celebrities don't support animal rights because it's not as glamourous as helping poor people with cleft palates or adopting a kid straight out of Africa. I only wish you weren't quite so nutso, because it kind of diminishes PETA's credibility. But hey, who is splitting hairs here? Some might question why I applaud you while I diss Paris Hilton. It's because you, Pam, seem like a fun person who doesn't take herself too seriously. Plus you're not out buying a million chihuahuas and a monkey.

Here's you serving up vegetarian meals at a Los Angeles homeless shelter. About the traditional Thanksgiving meal, you've said:
"The holiday season can be especially hard for those who find themselves homeless, and it's murder on turkeys. With so many healthy and delicious options nowadays, it's easy to have a holiday meal that gives even turkeys something to be thankful for."
That's a little kooky, but you've never claimed to have your Ph.D.!