I'm not going to lie. When I first saw Aaron "Angry Woebot" Martin's signature panda on a pair of DC shoes, I thought it was an angry kitty. Now more familiar with his artwork I can wholeheartedly say it creates emotions of satisfaction and bliss, much like unwinding with a freezy pop on a sizzling summer day.

Woebot's portfolio of paintings, sketches, shirts, and toys may be described as urban, graphic, humourous and slightly angry. Waxing philosophic about art and life, the native Hawaiian says, "I live with no regrets, because I feel that everyone has to walk the gauntlet to feel pain, love and loss. It's what you go through that makes everything fall into place."

Angry Woebot is currently part of the KICKS exhibit at Subtext in San Diego and the Stan Lee retrospective at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art in New York City.