Friday, November 4, 2011

Where's the Starbucks?

People of Seattle think we're a little cuckoo for visiting their fair city in November.  They tell us we must return in the summer.  It's rained all day today, but yesterday was clear and sunny.  As long as it's not snowing we Minnesotans are good to go.

This morning my husband asked me, "Where's the Starbucks?" Which Starbucks was he talking about because there is seriously one on EVERY STREET CORNER of downtown Seattle.

Breezing through Seattle Weekly I came across an ad for local eyewear store Eyes on Fremont. At first I thought it was Suchin Pak, but it's not.

Giant popsicle statue at 4th Ave. and Blanchard, I love you. Every time I see you I feel instant happiness. Photo nodsmile